Laetitia Casta

Laetitia Casta

Laetitia Casta was born in France in 1985 and is now based in London where she studies International Development. She has a passion for travel and a hunger to see the world, which she plans to achieve by undertaking a Grand Tour of Italy. Having visited the country six times, she is well-versed in its rich culture and history. Her travels have given her an appreciation for Italian design and fashion, which she incorporates into her home. She loves style, design, and all things Italian, so it was only natural that she chose to add a touch of her favourite country to her home.

A Room of Her Own

Laetitia has always been a creative soul, drawing and painting as a child, as well as taking an interest in fashion. She attended the prestigious École des Beaux-Arts in Paris before moving to London to study. She currently resides in a one-bedroom flat in London, along with her two rescue dogs, Vince and Gizmo. She feels that her small living room is something to be proud of and that it reflects her style – colourful and bold.

Bringing Art and Design

Laetitia plans to complete her studies and find work in international development, perhaps even starting her own NGO. She sees herself as a facilitator, bringing art and design to places that lack these elements. Using her design skills and knowledge of art history, she can help organisations to engage with the public more effectively through their visual identity. Her travels in Italy have provided her with many opportunities to explore the work of talented designers, whose work she admires and incorporates into her designs.

Inspiring Artistry

She sees bringing art and design to places like Nepal as a way of enabling vulnerable communities to express their creativity and individualism through design. With the opportunity to study abroad available, she hopes to inspire more young people to gain an interest in art and design. Her travels have already taken her to Florence and Milan, two cities that she considers to be creative capitals of the world. She has fond memories of exploring the Renaissance works in Florence and wonders what the artists who worked there would make of her current situation. Would they regard her as a bit of an inspiration?

A Room of One’s Own

Since the turn of the 20th century, women have been fighting for the right to own property and be independent, which they could successfully do thanks to the vote. It wasn’t just limited to property ownership though – women also fought to be able to work, choose a career, and lead a life parallel to that of their male counterparts. Some of these gains, such as the right to work and to be independent, are now accepted as natural; however, women are still not represented equally in all industries and areas of life. As well as demanding equality, Laetitia also hopes to see more women working in fields that they are not traditionally found in, such as medicine and business. She wants to see more opportunities for women so that they can be their own bosses and reach their full potential. This is a cause that she feels strongly about and one that will remain important to her as long as she lives.