Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is one of the most iconic and influential female pop icons of our time. Her influence extends beyond the world of pop music, inspiring fashion, and even social/moral practices. People around the world have been inspired by her music and groundbreaking fashion, and her influence is felt in every aspect of our daily lives.

Although popular music and film have mostly ignored, or even ridiculed, the ‘fat’ (acceptance of which Gaga always championed), ‘old’ (62), and ‘dumb’ races (she regularly performed in blackface), Gaga has continually reinvented herself by always evolving with the times. This has made her one of the most appealing pop icons to people from all walks of life and all over the world. She truly is a global phenomenon.

Gaga’s Appeal

The first thing that struck me about Gaga when I saw her perform live (thanks to TikTok for providing me with tickets and good seats!) was how relatable she is. One of the world’s most recognizable figures, Gaga has managed to capture the attention of people all over the world because she is able to speak to our universal emotions and desires. Her music videos, which feature heavily in this article, are brilliant pieces of art that tell a visual story while evoking powerful feelings and desires in her audience. They often depict powerful women in various states of undress, which is significant when you think about how society and the media have brainwashed us into thinking that a woman’s worth is determined by her body and her beauty. Songs like ‘Metallic’ and ‘Joan of Arc’ directly confront this, encouraging women to stand up for themselves and be proud of who they are.

There are two main aspects to this appeal. The first is that, like most pop icons, Gaga possesses a rare blend of physical and mental attributes that enable her to be both attractive and brilliant. The second is that although she is highly successful, powerful and influential, she still struggles with impostor syndrome and does not feel like she quite belongs in the same way that other celebrities do. This is something that she has spoken about openly in interviews and on social media, frequently reminding her fans and followers that they are special and unique just like she is. This is why she wears a mask when she performs, ensuring that the ‘celebrity’ part does not get in the way of who she truly is. This is something that we can hopefully relate to, regardless of whether or not we are ‘famous.’

Gaga’s Reign

Since the beginning, Gaga has been a trailblazer. She was the first musician to release a clothing collection, the first to debut an entire world tour, and the first to film a music video entirely on an iPhone. She also wrote the foreword for a book about female masturbation and did the introduction for another about female pleasure. While most musicians get their inspiration for new songs from current events, Lady Gaga is a true genius, constantly drawing from her personal experiences to create something new and powerful. She is, without a doubt, one of the greatest writers and performers of our time. Not bad for a girl who started out as a nightclub act in New York City.

Her debut album, A Star Is Born, was released in 2011 and went on to become one of the biggest selling albums of all time. It spawned several successful singles, including ‘Applause’ and ‘Bad Romance’ (the former of which remains one of the most popular songs of all time), and established Gaga as one of pop music’s most promising new voices. Since then, she has released a string of successful albums and has never looked back, continuing to defy convention and expectations while staying true to herself and her fans.

What is truly impressive about A Star Is Born and Gaga’s entire discography is how experimental and groundbreaking it is. It is not only about defying expectations but about breaking down barriers and encouraging fans to explore new genres and sounds. Some of her most iconic album cover art is also truly incredible, featuring a golden-era Rita Hayworth lookalike in a glamorous, yet somehow sassy pose. This is a woman who will stop at nothing to achieve her goals and ensure that she brings joy to the world. While there is already much written about Gaga’s fashion style and cultural impact, I can’t help but feel that we are only just beginning to discover the true extent of her influence and impact. She will continue to redefine the boundaries of what it means to be a female pop icon well into the next decade and beyond.