Ayumi Kinoshita

Ayumi is originally from Osaka, Japan. She was educated in France and now lives in Tokyo, where she works as an artist and designer. Her husband is a physicist, and together they have two children. They love to travel and to cook, which is why they decided to write a guide to help busy parents navigate the world of cooking and feeding their children adventuresome meals while on the go.

Best Baby Food to Feed Your Baby

When we become parents, we start to realize that our previous food experiences were limited to what we are used to eating at home or in restaurants, and the foods that are available for purchase do not always fit the bill. It is very common for parents to be concerned about what type of food is safe for their child to eat, and what food is best for their baby’s developing palate. After all, they want to ensure that their child gets the nutrients they need and avoids any potentially harmful substances. Many products and claims can make or break a parent’s decision whether or not to purchase a certain brand, and it is easy for misinformation to slip through the cracks as a result. Here we aim to clear up some of the confusion by outlining the best options available for parents who are seeking foods that are both nutrient-rich and safe for their children to consume.

Plant-Based Foods

Plant-based foods are a fantastic source of nutrients. Not only do they provide your baby with vital nutrients that they need to grow tall and strong, but they also contain compounds that are good for their developing digestive system. Some great examples of plant-based foods are lentils, beans, peas, and bread. These are all foods your baby will enjoy when they are young because they are easy to digest and will appeal to their taste buds. You can find out more about the benefits of plant-based foods at the USDA Food Safety website here.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are great sources of nutrients for your baby. They are usually low in calories and high in fiber, which makes them good for keeping your baby’s digestive system healthy. Some great examples of fruits and vegetables that are safe for your baby to eat are apples, banana, and avocado. These are all delicious and nutritious options that you can integrate into your baby’s diet when you are on the go. They also make great snacks for your little one when they are traveling in the car or in the stroller. Not only will your baby enjoy the taste, but it also means they are getting the nutrients they need to develop strong bones and teeth.

Meat-Based Foods

Your baby’s diet should be comprised of balanced meals which include both meat-based foods as well as fruits and vegetables. Meats are an excellent source of iron and zinc, which are both important for your baby’s growth and development. They also provide your baby with the protein they need to grow tall and strong. Popular meats to consider are ground beef, lentils, and soya products. There are a variety of options available for parents seeking meat-based foods, so they can be certain that the product is both safe and tasty for their child to consume. You can find out more about the nutrients in meat at the University of Nebraska Medical Center website here.


You should definitely be offering your baby some form of liquid food when they are young. There are a variety of options available, and you can use this occasion to try out different brands to see which one your baby enjoys the most. Some great examples of drinks that are safe for your baby to consume are milk, water, and vegetable juice. These options are great because they provide your baby with the sugars they need to grow strong and healthy. Once they reach a certain age, you can progressively introduce them to different beverages, such as orange juice or beer.

Babies’ Risks When Feeding Away From Home

When you are traveling or at an outdoor festival, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure that your baby is safe and receives the nutrition they need. First of all, make sure that your baby is wearing their safety seat or harness when in the car. This will prevent potentially serious injuries in case of a car accident. You should also cover your baby’s ears with hearing protection when outdoors in noisy environments to keep them from developing potentially serious ear problems. When feeding your baby at an outdoor festival, make sure that the food is prepared by a certified food service provider. You can find out more about the risks involved with festivals here.

Final Takeaway

To conclude, we would like to reiterate that feeding your baby the foods described above is both healthy and safe. We hope that this article has helped you gain a better understanding of which foods are best suited for your baby’s diet and how to prepare them when away from home. If you have any other questions, feel free to shoot us an email at hello@babysupermama.com or give us a call at 800-543-4413.