
SD-14960 A Painting Of A Woman With Long Red Hair, Art Of inspired by Brom, Featured On , With A Large Breasts, Aion 8×10

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Featured on the popular Art Of website, this art piece features a young woman who appears to have been crying, with long blond hair that seems to have gotten in her eyes. The woman is lying in a fetal position, with large breasts, and is shown to be crying for the viewer to better understand the reason for her sobs. This piece also features a large penis, but the artist does not go any further in illustrating it. This painting is titled After The Bath, which is interesting, as the painting does not seem to show the scene from any angle where a bathtub could be, or perhaps this one is about a woman who has just recently taken a bath.

SKU: SD-14960-2991945168 Category: Tags: , , ,