
SD-14548 Princess A Woman In A Blue Dress Sitting On A Ledge, Hannabarbera, Fantasy Art, Ariana Grande As A Mermaid, She Has Red Hair, Realistic Shading And Lighting, Adamantly Defined Abs , Remake 2021, Lascivious Pose, Eyecandy, Very Very Very Highly Detailed, inspired by Artstatiom, Pinup Lord Of Daggers 8×10

$7.99 $3.99

This is a fantasy art piece of Ariana Grande as a mermaid with red hair, wearing a blue dress, sitting on a ledge. It features realistic shading and lighting, adamantly defined abs, a lascivious pose, and is very highly detailed. It is inspired by Artstatiom and the Pinup Lord of Daggers.