
SD-14155 A Woman In A Long Dress Holding A Sword, Concept Art, inspired by Magali Villeneuve, Illuminated For Rays Of Light, Fullbody Portrait, Sparks And Thunders, Sapphire, Black Haired Mage, Full Body Render, Tiara With Sapphire, Official Artwork, Glowing In Power, Dwarven Woman, Beautiful Glowing Backlit, She, Inanna, Grinning Evily 8×10

$7.99 $3.99

This is a concept art piece inspired by Magali Villeneuve, depicting a black-haired dwarf mage wearing a sapphire tiara, holding a sword while glowing with power and grinning evily. She is surrounded by sparks, thunders, and illuminated with rays of light.