
SD-11618 A Painting Of A Woman With Pink Hair, inspired by Lois Van Baarle, Photorealism, Anna Dittmann inspired by Alberto Vargas, Bubble Gum, Computer Painting, Award Winning Historic Painting, Portrait Of Katy Perry, Trending On Artforum, Dayglo Pink Blue, inspired by Jenny Seville, 2 0 1 4 Modern Attire, Pale Skin Curly Blond Hair, Art, Glaze Oil Painting 8×10

$7.99 $3.99

This text describes a variety of paintings inspired by multiple artists that showcase different techniques and subjects, ranging from historic to modern and from photorealism to computer painting. The main subjects of the paintings are a woman with pink hair, Alberto Vargas, Jenny Seville, and Katy Perry.