
SD-11364 A Painting Of A Woman Sitting On A Couch, inspired by Gil Elvgren, Featured On Tumblr, Pop Surrealism, Wearing A Silly Hat, Blue Corset, 2 0 1 4 Modern Attire, Blue Sunny Sky, Photo Courtesy Museum Of Art, Lois Van Baarle And Bouguereau, Illustration Iridescent, Honey Birdette, Maarten Schrder And Tom Bagshaw 8×10

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This painting, inspired by Gil Elvgren and featuring Pop Surrealism, showcases a woman wearing a silly hat, blue corset, and a modern 2 0 1 4 attire in front of a blue sunny sky. It was photo courtesy of the Museum of Art, by Lois Van Baarle, Bouguereau, Iridescent, Honey Birdette, Maarten Schrder, and Tom Bagshaw.