
SD-09591 Avril Lavigne A Painting Of A Woman With Pink Hair And Tattoos, A Photorealistic Painting, Featured On , Fantasy Art, Curvy Accentuated Booty, Beach On The Outer Rim, inspired by Belle Delphine, The Artist Has Used Bright, Zenescope, Beautiful Artist Rendering, Long Bubblegum Hair, Kinkade Award Winning, Marc Brunet, Lower Back, Ocean View 8×10

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This painting is a photorealistic work featuring a woman with pink hair and tattoos, inspired by Belle Delphine. She is posed in a beach setting and her body is purposely accentuated. The artist has used bright colors to render the piece, and the woman’s long bubblegum-colored hair is a notable feature. This painting won the Kinkade Award and was painted by Marc Brunet.