
SD-09090 Karen Gilan A Woman With Red Hair Standing In A Body Of Water, A Hyperrealistic Painting, Trending On , Smooth Pale Skin, Freya, Awarded On , Venus Goddess, Pink Body, inspired by Karolina Cummings, Exhibant, Painted Todd Lockwood, Birch, Stellar, Trending On Artstaton, Beautifully Soft Lit, Highly Detailed Digital Artwork, Matthew Stewart 8×10

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An hyperrealistic painting of a woman with red hair and pale skin, inspired by Karolina Cummings, has been trending on Artstation. The painting, titled Freya, was painted by Todd Lockwood and won an award on Venus Goddess. It features a pink body and is beautifully and softly lit, with highly detailed artwork. Matthew Stewart is credited for the artwork.