
SD-08441 Kate Beckinsale A Painting Of A Woman In A White Swimsuit, A Photorealistic Painting, inspired by Mark Brooks, Featured On , Kate Beckinsale Weared As Thief, In Pastel Colors, Final Fantasy Face, Long Luxurious Light Blond Hair, Winning Award Piece, In A Scenic Background, Blank Expression On Her Face, Tetrachromacy, Safehavenhq, Comic Artwork, Kylie Minogue As Barbarella 8×10

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This painting features Kate Beckinsale wearing a white swimsuit and inspired by Mark Brooks. The piece is in pastel colors and features Final Fantasy face and long luxurious light blond hair. The painting won an award, has a scenic background, and has a blank expression on her face. It utilizes tetrachromacy in the artwork of comic scenes starring Kylie Minogue as Barbarella.