
SD-08180 Phoebe Cates A Painting Of A Woman Standing In The Water, A Fine Art Painting, inspired by Todd Lockwood, Figurative Art, Heaven Pink, Shapely Toned Derriere, inspired by Larry Elmore 0 5, Alone Gorgeous Latin Woman, Trending On Artforum, Photorealism Pastel, Vibrant Digital Art, Romantic Simple Path Traced, inspired by Brian Pulido, Videogame Art 8×10

$7.99 $3.99

This text is about a painting of a woman standing in water, created with inspiration from Todd Lockwood, Larry Elmore, and Brian Pulido. It is a figurative art piece with a shapely derriere, created using Photorealism Pastel and Vibrant Digital Art. It is a romantic, simple piece that is currently trending on Artforum.