
SD-07060 Elisha Cuthbert A Woman In A Bikini Standing In The Water, A Photorealistic Painting, L Ji, Trending On , With Vegeta Head Hair, Tight Gigantic Pink Curls, Bandai Box Art Realistic, Light Platinum Long Blond Hair, Cheeky Devil, Very Round, Cakes, inspired by Sakimichan Hdri, Professional Studio Photograph, Anime Illustrated, Nicki Minaj Curvy 8×10

$7.99 $3.99

This is a photorealistic painting of a woman standing in the water in a bikini. Her hair is in a unique style, combining Vegeta’s head hair, tight pink curls, light platinum blond hair, and Nicki Minaj’s curvy look. It is inspired by the HDRI of Sakimichan and professional studio photography.