
SD-06864 Rita Hayworth A Painting Of A Woman In A Black Dress, inspired by Edwin Georgi, Bright Piercing Brown Eyes, Monochromatic Airbrush Painting, A Redheaded Young Woman, Long Fan Blown Dark Reddish Hair, Hyper Real Painting, Late 4 0 S Aged, Chicano Airbrush Art, Hollywood Promotional Image, Liberty Curls, Silver Red 8×10

$7.99 $3.99

This piece is a monochromatic airbrush painting of a young, redheaded woman in a black dress with bright, piercing brown eyes, long fan-blown dark reddish hair, and liberty curls. It was inspired by Edwin Georgi and is a hyper real painting of a woman from the late 4 0s. It can be seen as a chicano airbrush art and might even be used as a Hollywood promotional image.