
SD-06838 Rita Hayworth A Painting Of A Woman With Red Hair, An Ultrafine Detailed Painting, inspired by Earle Bergey, With Dark Reddish Hair, Monochromatic Airbrush Painting, Breasts Covered And Sfw, Dark Sepia Toned Shading, Uniquely Beautiful, Ginger Wavy Hair, Vargas, Late 4 0 S Aged, Retro Haze, High Resolution Print, Drew Barrymore, Digital Model 8×10

$7.99 $3.99

This is a digitally-rendered painting inspired by Earle Bergey, featuring a woman with dark red, ginger wavy hair, her breasts covered, unique features, and a late 40s aged look with a retro haze. It is a monochromatic airbrush painting with dark sepia toned shading, and available as a high resolution print. The woman in the painting is thought to be modeled after Drew Barrymore.