
SD-06756 Elizabeth Taylor A Painting Of A Woman Wearing A Bra, An Oil Painting, Art Frahm, Lowbrow, Elizabeth Taylor, Piercing Grey Eyes, Doll Face, Sherilyn Fenn 2 2 Years Old, Wearing Shiny Breastplate, 1940S, Trending On Artforum, inspired by Joe Gb Fenton, inspired by Luis Ricardo Falero, inspired by Violet Myers 8×10

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This oil painting, created by Art Frahm, depicts a young Sherilyn Fenn, two years old at the time, wearing a bra and shiny breastplate. Her piercing grey eyes and doll face are reminiscent of the famous actress Elizabeth Taylor. This work of Lowbrow art has been trending on Artforum, and was inspired by the works of Joe Gb Fenton, Luis Ricardo Falero, and Violet Myers.