
SD-06598 Jane Fonda A Painting Of A Woman In A White Dress, A Photorealistic Painting, Featured On , inspired by Airbrush Fantasy 80S, Barbarella, Detailed Facial Proportions, Hollywood Promotional Image, Computer Painting, Reese Witherspoon, With A Curly Perm, Tetrachromacy, Young Teen, Gloss, Kate Beckinsale Weared As Thief, 1980S Photograph 8×10

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This text discusses a photorealistic painting of a woman in a white dress, inspired by an Airbrush Fantasy 80s aesthetic, detailed facial proportions, and a Hollywood promotional image. The painting features Reese Witherspoon with a curly perm, while Kate Beckinsale is wearing the same outfit in a 1980s photograph. Tetrachromacy is also mentioned.