
SD-06491 Raquel Welch A Painting Of A Woman In A Bikini, A Fine Art Painting, inspired by Hajime Sorayama, inspired by Heather Theurer, Sunburst Behind Woman, Lunchmeat, Classiccultcomicstyle, Sophia Loren, Flat Curves, Sexy Girl With Dark Brown Hair, Glittering Stars Scattered About, Silver Platter, Well Shaded, 3D Female Character Model, Dreamwave 8×10

$7.99 $3.99

This text describes a fine art painting inspired by Hajime Sorayama and Heather Theurer. It features a woman in a bikini with dark brown hair, surrounded by a sunburst, glittering stars, and a silver platter. It is well shaded and is a 3D female character model with a Dreamwave style.