
SD-06434 Raquel Welch A Painting Of A Naked Nude Woman Sitting On A Rock, A Fine Art Painting, inspired by Julie Bell, Heavy Metal Comic Cover Art, With Dark Reddish Hair, Standing In A Barren Field, Extremely Detailed Giantess Shot, Oversaturated, inspired by Jim Bush And inspired by Ed Repka, With Large Breasts, Very Very Beautiful Furry Art, Digitalblasphemy, Fine Facial Proportionate 8×10

$7.99 $3.99

This text describes a painting of a large, nude woman in a barren field, featuring reddish hair, detailed features, and large breasts. The painting is inspired by the art of Julie Bell, Heavy Metal comic cover art, Jim Bush, and Ed Repka, creating an oversaturated and beautiful piece of furry art.