
SD-05700 A Painting Of A Naked Nude Woman Sitting On A Bed, An Art Deco Painting, Gil Elvgren, Figurative Art, With Short Bobbed White Hair, inspired by Natalie Shau, Girl Of The Alps, Naturalistic Technique, Traditional Chinese Art, Milk Bar Magazine, Left Profile, White Flesh, High Definition , Classical Sculpture, Pearl Necklace 8×10

$7.99 $3.99

This is a painting of a nude woman in an Art Deco style. She has short bobbed white hair, partially inspired by Natalie Shau’s “Girl of the Alps”. The painting has a traditional Chinese art technique, a high-definition classical sculpture, and a pearl necklace. The woman is sitting on a bed, in a left profile, with her white flesh showing. It was featured in Milk Bar Magazine.