
SD-05318 Black Beauty A Painting Of A Black Woman With An Afro, A Fine Art Painting, inspired by Ron English, Featured On Tumblr, Black Arts Movement, Standing Triumphant And Proud, Violet Skin, Self Erotic, Unique Non Conventional Beauty, Beautiful Glowing Backlit, Digital Art, Fountain Of Youth, 7 0 S Vibe, Purity, Thomas Kinkad, Fine Art Print 8×10

$7.99 $3.99

This digital artwork is inspired by Ron English and captures a unique, nonconventional beauty. It features a black woman with an afro standing triumphantly, with a violet skin tone and a beautiful, glowing backlit. It has a 70s vibe and exudes purity, reminiscent of a Thomas Kinkad painting, and can be purchased as a fine art print.