
SD-04692 Ava Gardner A Painting Of A Woman In A White Dress, Edwin Georgi, Gazing Dark Brown Eyes, Highly Detailed Hyper Real Retro, With Dark Grey Hair, Neon Backlighting, Like Rolf Armstrong Style, Large Bushy Eyebrows, Vibrent Red Lipstick, Beautiful Gemini Twins Portrait, Bright Cinematic Backlit, Movie Star, Fine Art Print, Photography Of inspired by Bill Brauer, Behance Polished 8×10

$7.99 $3.99

This text is describing a painting of a woman in a white dress who has dark brown eyes and dark grey hair with bush eyebrows, vibrant red lipstick, and a backlighting reminiscent of Rolf Armstrong style. It is also inspired by a Bill Brauer photograph and has been given a “fine art print” finish.