
SD-04660 Ava Gardner A Painting Of A Woman In A Blue Dress, An Airbrush Painting, inspired by Art Frahm, Figurative Art, Portrait Of Sofia Vergara, With Red Hair And Green Eyes, Detailed Long Black Hair, 1 9 4 0 S Film Noir, Silver Red, Beautiful Sexy Woman Photo, Beautiful Tan Mexican Woman, Sherilyn Fenn 2 6 Years Old, Tetrachromacy 8×10

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This painting is a figurative art piece inspired by Art Frahm, and features a portrait of Sofia Vergara with red hair, green eyes and detailed long black hair. The painting uses colors of silver, red and blue, as a representation of 1940s film noir style, and depicts a beautiful, tan Mexican woman believed to be Sherilyn Fenn at 26 years old. The technique used to make the painting is airbrush, and the colors are believed to be associated with tetrachromacy.