
SD-04400 Barbara Eden A Painting Of A Woman Wearing A Big Hat, A Photorealistic Painting, inspired by Edna Mann, inspired by Dan Decarlo, Insanely Inflated Hips, Focus On Face And Facial Details, She Is About 7 0 Years Old, Depicted As A 3 D Render, Golden Goddess, Hyper Real Render, With Shoulder Pads, Breasts Covered And Sfw, inspired by James Gunn, Courtesy Of Moma, inspired by Burt Reynolds 8×10

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This text is a description of a photorealistic painting of an older woman wearing a big hat, outlandish hip pads, and shoulder pads. The painting was made with hyperrealistic render and is inspired by the works of Edna Mann, Dan Decarlo, James Gunn, and Burt Reynolds. It is a courtesy of the Museum of Modern Art.