
SD-04368 Barbara Eden A Painting Of A Woman In A Black Dress, A Fine Art Painting, inspired by Edna Mann, Burt Reynolds, Very Very Very Beautifull Face, Mark Arian 0 2 5, inspired by Sofya Emelenko, Vibrant Fan Art, Violet Colors, Stunning, Beautiful Queen, Resplendent, inspired by Carole Feuerman, Highres, Cougar, Highly Detailed Closeup Portrait, Official Fan Art 8×10

$7.99 $3.99

This painting is a fine art and fan art hybrid inspired by the works of Edna Mann, Burt Reynolds, Sofya Emelenko, and Carole Feuerman. It is a highly detailed closeup portrait of a woman wearing a black dress and features vibrant violet colors. It is described as stunning, beautiful queen, and resplendent.