
SD-04233 Barbara Eden A Painting Of A Woman With Blonde Hair, A Photorealistic Painting, inspired by Margaret Keane, Featured On , inspired by Claudia Schiffer, Hollywood Promotional Image, Dressed In Velvet, Like Rolf Armstrong Style, Tones Of Black In Background, inspired by Burt Reynolds, Backlit Portrait, Extremely Detailed Goddess Shot, Best Of , Bill Lowe Gallery, Carmen Dell Orefice, Gypsy 8×10

$7.99 $3.99

This painting is a photorealistic work of art inspired by Margaret Keane, Claudia Schiffer, Burt Reynolds, and Carmen Dell’Orefice. It features a woman with blonde hair in a velvet dress, with tones of black in the background and a backlit portrait inspired by the Rolf Armstrong style. The painting is extremely detailed and is part of the Bill Lowe Gallery’s Best of collection.