
SD-02668 A Painting Of A Woman In A Blue Dress, A Detailed Painting, Inspired By Mandy Jurgens, Figurative Art, Detailed Lake In Background, Detailed Facial Proportions, Young Beautiful Amouranth, Kinkade Award Winning, Beautiful Detailed Pixel Art, Inspired By Michael Vicente, Detailed Face Background Detail, Painting Inspired By Vladimir Volegov, Inspired By Charli Bowater And Inspired By Artgeem, Clear Blue Water 8×10

$7.99 $3.99

This text describes a painting of a woman wearing a blue dress that is inspired by the work of several artists, such as Mandy Jurgens, Michael Vicente, Vladimir Volegov, Charli Bowater, and Artgeem. The painting features a detailed lake in the background, detailed facial proportions and a beautiful detailed pixel art. It has also won a Kinkade award.