
SD-02233 Jane Fonda A Painting Of A Woman In A Bikini On The Beach, inspired by Mark Brooks, Featured On , Christina Applegate, Shakira, Fully Clothed Painting Of Sexy, Symmetrical Painting, Ryan Reynolds, 1 9 7 0 S Female Alive, Large Breasts Size, Masterpiece Album Cover, Alison Williams, Ultra High Res, Limited Edition Print, Aniston, Blond Furr 8×10

$7.99 $3.99

This description references artwork inspired by Mark Brooks, featuring Christina Applegate, Shakira, Ryan Reynolds, and Alison Williams. It is a painting of a bikini-clad woman on the beach with large breasts, creating a symmetrical masterpiece which was released as an ultra-high resolution and limited edition print in the 1970s.