
SD-01966 A Painting Of A Naked Nude Woman Posing For A Picture, An Art Deco Painting, inspired by Rick Amor, Divine Ray Over Her Head, Small Breasts, Panoramic View Of Girl, Rosey Cheeks, Sixties Pinup, Soft Lighting From Above, Rounded, Covered Breasts, Smooth Oil Painting, Smooth Pale Skin, Breathtaking Digital Art, Very Backlit, Strong Fat Bacchanalian Body 8×10

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This is an example of Datalog. If you needa look, imagine tweets like those described above, only without hashtags (#) and in some kind of a succession. Up to 1024 such messages would be concatenated in a 28-column *.txt file(.h5 files are usually 20k chars/80k unicode characters, so I assume this is a low-res streaming version, probably DPB from twitter). That text file would be piped into a simple perl script which reworked it into the