
SD-01156 A Painting Of A Woman In A Bikini, Inspired By Mark Brooks, Very Long Flowing Red Hair, Colorful Swirly Ripples Of Magic, Dreamwave, Award Winning Painting, Heavy Metal Artwork, In The Style Of An Oil Painting, Insanely Inflated Hips, Male Art, Water Element, Comic Paint, Soft Airbrushed Artwork, Very Beautiful Digital Art, Quasar 8×10

$7.99 $3.99

This artwork is inspired by Mark Brooks, combining soft airbrushed artwork with a comic paint water element. It portrays a woman in a bikini with very long flowing red hair and colorful swirly ripples of magic, dreamwave. It is an oil painting in the style of heavy metal artwork, with insanely inflated hips and the award winning painting contains the very beautiful digital art quasar.