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What Type Of Wardrobe Are You Going For?

When it comes to fashion, few people are experts in all areas. Some people may know a little bit about styling their hair or wearing bold clothes, but outside of those areas there is often a big gap in knowledge. The same can be said for fashion styling and fashion clothing. There are many fashion rules and guidelines out there, but unless you follow them perfectly, you may struggle to find the right items to wear. Fortunately, there are some basic rules that you can follow to create an overall stylish appearance which will allow you to wear a great number of items. One of the most important things to keep in mind is the type of wardrobe you are going for.

Solid Colors And Classic Chic

One of the most important things to keep in mind is the colors you will and will not wear. When it comes to fashion, not everything that is colorful is created equal. Some clothing items may be colorful, but that does not necessarily mean they will look great together. For example, red and white are certainly bold, but if you are not sure how to style them together, they may appear jarring instead of classy. Remember, there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to fashion, so you should never be afraid to try something new. At the same time, do not be afraid to go classic either. There is no reason to copy what others are doing, especially when you do not necessarily feel that you can pull off the style. If you want to go for a classic look, you should always head towards white or pale pastel colors as a base and build from there. You should always consider how you want the overall look to come together before you go off and buy a whole closet of on-brand garments. Of course, this is easier said than done, as going for a complete look is definitely appealing, but if you want to keep your wardrobe small, you may want to pass on some of the on-brand items in favor of something more classic and timeless instead.

Now, it is not necessary to limit yourself to just these two options. You can certainly wear both at the same time, depending on the look you are going for. However, the preference is clearly there.

Keep It Trendy

Another important consideration to make is how much you are willing to spend on trendy fashion items versus more classic staples. If you want to keep your wardrobe up-to-date, you will definitely need to invest in trendy fashion items. However, if you want to keep your look classic, you do not necessarily have to avoid spending money on trendy fashion items. It all depends on how much you want to spend and how much you want to update your wardrobe with trendy fashion items. There is a great middle ground here. If you want to create a look that is equal parts trendy and classic, you can always purchase items that are somewhere in the middle. This will help you achieve the overall look you are going for.

At the end of the day, it is not practical nor ideal to completely avoid spending money on trendy fashion items. As long as you limit yourself to what you can afford and keep to a small wardrobe, it will not be a problem. You can always use more classic staples to build your wardrobe and add in a few trendy garments here and there. Most importantly, do not get discouraged about spending money on trendy items. It is not like it is a waste of money or something you are not good at. You are investing in timeless fashion items that will allow you to style your wardrobe many times over. If you want, you can always go for a more trendy look, but you will be able to pull it off perfectly due to your wardrobe planning and style coaching sessions with an expert.